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Currency reservation

Currency reservation

Ever since the Reserve button first appeared in Quantor rankings we have observed growing confidence in the currency exchange electronic booking. Every day dozens of people from the biggest Polish cities express their interest in this unique function. Now finally it is fully available also for english users.

Today most users of the exchange reservation in cantor offices by Quantor do it intuitively being acquainted only with a short instruction. We are aware, however, that the others would like to first hear a little about the operation of the system from the kitchen.

Operational principle

The general idea of Quantor reservation is to mimic well-known telephone booking of prices in exchange office. Hence the only additional requirement imposed on the users of our service is SMS password confirmation. Making every book in the selected counter is possible due to the activity of the offices employee on the other side. In other words, cooperating exchange offices during their opening hours observe incoming booking request via reservation panel.
The result of the above willingness is active, green Reserve button visible among currency rate information, both in view of the city, province and the profile of single chosen office.

As users pressing mentioned button, we move to the actual booking window, in which we input the amount of currency and accept the rate. Considering larger currency amounts, from the beginning we also have the possibility of negotiating the rate.

Reservation window

In the next step, we go through the short confirmation stage analogous to bank transfer confirmation. For this purpose, we are asked to provide our mobile phone number onto which machine sends SMS confirmation password. After correct confirmation we are eligible to send request to any cantor office. At that moment, when clicked the button to send inquiry, the exchange office employee sees adequate message with details of our inquiry. If not currently occupied by clients, the employee proceeds immediately to respond to the proposal. If an employee is busy, it is advised to wait patiently for a response about a dozen seconds. The simplest scenario is the immediate acceptance of the inquiry equal to actual creation of the reservation. Equally quickly the request may also be rejected (eg. due to lack of currency in the office). If you negotiate the rate or propose a large amount, you should expect immediate feedback in the form of negotiation response. It may offer similar terms - slightly different amount or rate - acceptable for the office. Then as a client (with 90 seconds) you have opportunity to give similar answer: accepting, rejecting or further negotiating. In each of these cases we see clear message and tips.

In the office

The final step is your physical appearance in the exchange office on time. After agreeing on the terms of a currency reservation, there is a limited validity period from 30 to 120 minutes - depending on the chosen office. Information about the time of validity is visible always before sending queries and recalled after the agreed conditions. Being in counter and relying on the booking in front of the cashier we should provide our name and / or a fragment of a phone number. On this basis the offices employee confirms the reservation and makes the exchange.
If you are late and will come to the counter after booking expiration time, the officer has the right to deny the terms of agreement. Then the exchange will remain under such conditions, which are available at the counter for a regular customer.
As a last resort, if despite booking we decide not to show up in the counter, we must reckon with the assignment of negative reputation points in the Quantor reservation system. These points may result in the future offices reluctance to our queries and therfore any reservation creation.

Best regards,
Quantor team

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